Mural Contest
Mural Contest
Mural must portray the 2022 Conference theme and how it applies to forest management in the Redwood Region:
Mural must be created on wood pulp sheets provided by the Conference. ONE PULP SHEET PER TEACHER.
Murals may be created using crayons, watercolors, poster paints, paper collage and other unique materials. Use your imagination! Remember, murals will be hung on a wall for display. Murals that are not appropriately designed for wall hanging will be disqualified.
Murals will be judged on the use of the conference theme, creative use of materials and whole class participation. The murals should be age appropriate with work done by the students with innovated uses of wood products and design. The murals should be a learning experience for students; demonstrating an understanding of the interrelationship between the forest and human communities; the renewal ability over time of a managed forest; and the many people working together to fulfill the importance of the demand of wood products in our everyday lives.
The teacher’s name, grade, school, and telephone number must be on the inside of a 3x5 card staples on the bottom right hand corner of the mural facing up so the writing is visible.
Each class not receiving a cash prize will RECEIVE A $50 CASH PARTICIPATION REWARD!
The murals will be divided into two grade categories for judging: K-3rd grades and 4th-8th grades. If you have a 3/4 combination, the mural will be judged in the 4th-8th grade category. Prizes for wining murals in each category are: HUMBOLDT/DELNORTE/TRINITY COUNTIES: First Place: $200; Second Place: $150; Third Place: $100; and three Honorable Mention Ribbons of $75 each. MENDOCINO/LAKE COUNTIES: First Place: $200; Second Place: $150; Third Place: $100; and three Honorable Mention Ribbons of $75 each. (Note: Classes winning Cash Prize Awards will not receive an additional $50 Cash Participation Reward.)
Murals must be received for judging no later than Friday, March 11, 2022 at 5 PM. Please deliver your completed mural to one of the following locations:
Eureka: RRLC Office - 5601 South Broadway (Humboldt Hill) – Phone #707-443-4091
Mendocino: John Yanez, Lyme Redwood Forest Company, call him at 707-357-1910
Ukiah: Mendocino County Farm Bureau 303-C Talmage Road, Ukiah
Murals will be displayed during the Redwood Region Logging Conference, March 17, 18 & 19, 2022, at the Redwood Acres Fairgrounds in Eureka, CA. RRLC Directors or the Office of Education will make every effort to return the murals.
The RRLC reserves the right to reproduce, publish, or publicly display any mural for the benefit of the RRLC, along with the right to retain the ownership of any mural, as chosen by the RRLC Education Committee.
Any mural, which is determined by the RRLC Education Committee to be inappropriate, will be disqualified, and will not be displayed at the conference.

Mural entries from past Conferences