Forest Animals
Forests in the Redwood Region are home to a variety of amazing animals. The Timber Industry employs a host of dedicated Wildlife Biologists who work hard to protect and learn as much as possible about the creatures that call the forest home. Enjoy the photos of some creatures that have been captured on game cameras.
Spotted Owl - Female
Woodrat Nest
Black Bear
How Many of These Forest Critters Have You Seen?
American Kestrel
American Shrew-Mole
Bald Eagle
Banana Slug
Barn Owl
Barred Owl
Big Brown Bat
Black Bear
Black-Crowned Night Heron
Black-Tailed Deer
Broad-Handed Mole
Brush Rabbit
California Condor
California Myotis
California Vole
Carpenter Ant
Coast Mole
Common Green Darner Dragonfly
Cooper's Hawk
Dark-Eyed Juncos
Deer Mice
Del Norte Salamander
Douglas Squirrel
Dusky-Footed Woodrat
Flammulated Owl
Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
Fringed Myotis
Golden Eagle
Gray Fox
Great Blue Heron
Great Horned Owl
Hoary Bat
Humboldt Marten
Humboldt Mountain Beaver
Little Brown Myotis
Little Willow Flycatcher
Long-Eared Myotis
Long-Legged Myotis
Long-Tailed Weasel
Marbled Murrelet
Marsh shrew
Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
North American Beaver
Northern Flying Squirrel
Northern Pygmy Owl
Northern Red-Legged Frog
Northern Rubber Boa
Northern Saw-Whet Owl
Northern Spotted Owl
Pacific Giant Salamander
Pacific Shrew
Pallid Bat
Peregrine Falcon
Pileated Woodpecker
Red-Tailed Hawk
River Otter
Roosevelt Elk
Ruffed Grouse
Sharp-Shinned Hawk
Short-Tailed Weasel
Silver-Haired Bat
Southern Torrent Salamander
Spotted Skunk
Steller's Jays
Striped Skunk
Tailed Frog
Townsend's Big-Eared Bat
Tree Voles
Trowbridge Shrew
Vagrant Shrew
Western Gray Squirrel
Western Red Bat
Western Red-Backed Vole
Western Screech Owl
Winter Wren
Yellow-Spotted Millipede
Yuma MyotiS
Humboldt Marten
Spotted Skunk
Pacific Giant Salamander
Green Diamond Resource Co. Wildlife Biologist, Desiree Dorvall's Favorites:
Banana Slug - Gastropod found in local redwood forests. One of the largest slugs in North America. Secrete a layer of mucus over their bodies to keep themselves moist and will numb the mouth and tongue of predators if ingested.
Yellow-Spotted Milipede - Arthropod with 31 pairs of legs (not a thousand like the name suggests). They do not bite, but they can release a foul-smelling toxin from small pores in each leg segment.
Black Bear - Black bears in our area of California rarely hibernate. They enter into a state of 'winter lethargy' where they may slow down for periods but are easily roused. Some bears even stay active the entire winter.
Dusky-Footed Woodrat - Woodrats build large houses out of sticks and leaves. The houses can be on the ground, on top of a large stump, or up in a tree. The houses can be taller than an adult human and wider than your armspan.
Northern Pygmy Owl -Small forest owl active primarily active at dusk and dawn but can be seen and heard throughout the day and night. They have a pair of spots on the back of their neck that look like eyes which likely help fool predators or mobbing birds into thinking the owl is watching them.
Northern Spotted Owl - Nest in forested areas usually in cavities or on large branches or deformities that create platforms. They sometimes save their food for later by caching the prey item on a limb. After placing the cached item on the limb, they often walk backwards on the limb stepping away from the cache and it can look like they are doing the 'moon walk' dance move.
Humboldt Marten - This forest carnivore was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 1996. Recent research has documented martens denning in old-growth redwood and Douglas-fir forests, young managed forests, surpentine forests, and dense shrub cover in coastal dunes. Visitors to Redwood National and State Parks have even photographed this species near the the hiking trails.
Tailed Frog - Associated with small streams with cold water. Its larvae are equipped with sucker-like mouths that enable them to cling to rocks and boulders in fast-flowing streams.
Tree Voles - Red and Sonoma Tree Voles are aboreal (tree-dwelling) and rarely visit the ground.
Spotted Skunk - This species will often do a handstand and flip their tail down along their back before spraying.