Vendor Registration
2023 Vendor Registration:
We are pleased to announce that the Redwood Region Logging Conference and Equipment Show is just around the corner! On behalf of the Board of Directors, I hope you will accept this invitation to participate in the 83rd Redwood Region Logging conference on March 16 - 18, 2023, at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds in Ukiah, California.
Your participation with the Conference will help to strengthen and secure a future for the forest industry and assist in our ability to provide natural resource education to our local students.
The Fairgrounds will be accessible Tuesday, March 14th , from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the set-up of large equipment displays. Inside exhibit areas will be accessible Wednesday, March 15th , from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tables and chairs will be available. All other items you may need can be purchased or rented locally. Contact us if you need further assistance in set-up.
The Equipment Show officially closes at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 18, 2022. All displays must remain in place until that time.
Please have all of your Vendor Registration Forms returned as soon as possible. This year we have set a registration deadline of Friday, February 25, 2023. We hope to encourage you to get your application in early so we will have adequate time to prepare. Exhibit space confirmations will be mailed to you.
To make your registration easier, we have arranged to have a “Shopping Cart” on our Web Site for a secure method to use your credit card to register for your vendor space as well as purchase tickets for all our events at the conference.
Again, please have your insurance company issue a Certificate of Insurance naming RRLC as additionally insured to be included when you return your registration form or confirm that it is being sent to us by your insurance company. (Required policy limits are One Million Dollars per occurrence.)
RRLC is also required to provide information to the California State Board of Equalization. “Swap Meets, Flea Markets, or Special Events Certification” form (BOE-410-D) must be completed, signed, and returned to us whether or not you plan to sell product(s) at the show. Your registration form will not be processed until the RRLC office staff has received all of these items.
Registration Items Checklist:
Registration Form
General Liability of Insurance form
Certificate of Insurance naming RRLC as additionally insured
Sales Tax form (BOE-410-D)
Additional event participation forms: Golf, Ladies Lunch, Truckers Competition etc.
Thank you so much for supporting the Redwood Region Logging Conference and we look forward to a very successful event.
Wes Parmeter Casy Morrison
Outdoor Equipment Chairman Indoor Equipment Chairman
Cell Phone: (707) 326-9711 Cell Phone: (707) 671-4938